Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rylee's Last Soccer Game of the Season...

After all the issues with the weather this year and the games getting canceled and changed several times, we finally played our last Soccer game of the season on May 5th, 2010. All the kids seemed to have so much fun, and of course, knowing they were getting a medal at the end made it even more exciting. It was really windy that day, but not too cold. Rylee and Jayslin loved being able to play on the same team and it was fun getting some pictures of them together. Cousins Rylan and Jayde also played soccer, so I got some pictures of all of them together. They all played a great game. Rylee did such a great job...
Good Job Rylee, we love you!!!


  1. Looks like she had fun playing soccer:) In and out of the crazy weather up there huh...BTW you look great:)

  2. YEAH for soccer, I love soccer its so fun to watch the kids play I think I get into it way more then they do.. Its a love hate relationship I love when there playing but hate how much time it can take away from other things haha.. She is so cute, she always looks so old I forget how young she really is.. SHE IS ADORABLE AND YOU LOOK GREAT
