Milestones from 0-3 months old....
~He can roll over already from both belly to back and back to belly.
~He is so strong! When I lay him on a pillow, he pulls himself up to a sitting position then tips to one side.
~He loves to suck on his hands.
~He loves his swing.
~He loves having a blanket going across his chest so he can hold onto it and then up next to his face.
~He smiles, giggles, and talks all the time.
~He now drinks 5 oz at a time.
~He is still wearing 0-3 month clothes, but just recently switched to size 1 diapers. (although they are quite large on him).
My little baby is growing and getting so big too fast. I love seeing him learn new things and grow, but at the same time it all happens too fast...and it makes me sad!
Here are some pictures of Dax on his 3 month "birthday". We had fun taking them and Rylee was such a big helper.
Rylee wanted to put this butterfly on his head and she laughed so hard she could barely breath...she thought it was too funny!
Today I also took the kids to the Botanic Gardens of Fort Worth, which was so pretty. I got some good pictures and will be posting them very soon. Stay Tuned....
He is so cute and looks like such a big boy!