The guy at the pet store said to wait a day to hold her so she can get use to her cage. Rylee asked every two minutes if she could hold her yet. We continued to tell her "not yet". So she took it upon herself to get Bella out of her cage and hold her. Bella got away and went up a little hole that went between the wall and cabinet in the bathroom. Rylee started yelling "my pet, my pet, she is gone forever!" I could not believe it! I put some of her food by the hole hoping she would come out. All day long she never came out. So, I took Rylee to the pet store and let her get a new one. This time she got a normal sized hamster with longer hair, its called a teddy bear hamster and she named it TUK.
We got home and put TUK in the cage and about two hours later I was sitting on the couch, watching TV when I looked up and BELLA was sitting outside the cage watching TUK spin around on the wheel. She was looking at him like he had taken over her home. It was pretty funny! So we caught BELLA and now I had to run to WalMart at midnight to buy another cage. Now we have TWO pets! Not what I wanted at all. Once BELLA was back Rylee only wanted to hold her, she no longer really cared to have TUK. So I decided I will take TUK back to the pet store. She loves having BELLA so much. She gets her out of her cage at leat 10x a day. She even watches cartoons with her. BELLA is so calm and just sits on Rylee. Its pretty funny to watch her with BELLA.
She looks very cute with her first pet.. That is one animal I have never owned they kind of scare me lol.. But they are very cute! I am glad she came out of the hole and didn't cause you any problems.. You should have kept Tuk so they could have babies :)